益陽聯合竹業是一家從事竹炭、竹筷,涼蓆和機制炭等竹木製品應用研究、生產和銷售的專業企業,工廠位於益陽桃江,產品成功進入了國內各大商場、超市,並深受消費者的青睞 ,產品遠銷日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡、臺灣等國家和地區。
聯繫方式: 13762722089
電話/傳真 0737-3806681/8921231



Yiyang bamboo plant is a joint engaged in bamboo charcoal, bamboo vinegar products applied research, production and marketing of professional enterprise TAOJIANG factory in Yiyang, beautiful scenery and rich resources of bamboo media, the source is a village -- TAOJIANG bamboo charcoal. eight existing kiln, monthly production of 10 tons of high-temperature bamboo charcoal; successful product into the domestic various shopping malls, supermarkets, and the favor of popular consumer products being sold in places as far away as Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries and regions. You relying on the world for honesty and credibility, focusing on technical cooperation with national brands agents franchiser implement a mutually beneficial win-win situation. sharing resources, customers and consumers with high-quality bamboo charcoal products. green for human / environmental / health and make due contributions. Willing to cooperate sincerely with friends from all walks of life to jointly explore business opportunities in the breeding of billions of bamboo charcoal market.

  • 益陽市資陽聯合竹木業有限公司
  • 中國湖南益陽資陽區長春工業園
  • 413000
  • 86-0737-3806681
  • 86-0737-3806681
  • 莫小姐 (經理)
  • 13637372154